Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Well okay, this blog is more than about my quilting

Leona Dawn (Fisher) Draude
Born December 2, 2010 at 6:15pm PST
Proud parents: Marisa and Adam
Birth weight: 6# 5oz Length: 18"
My 15th Grandchild. What a splendid way to end the year.



  1. She is about the most beautiful baby girl I've seen in a long time. I love the picture with the tongue. Have you been able to visit her yet?

  2. So awake and ready to see the world and even taste it! Can't you just hear the tiny little noises she's making? She is so pretty Jacquelyn, with her little round head, beautiful complexion and bright eyes...

  3. She's so precious! Congratulations on the new addition! Thanks for sharing her with us, can't wait to watch her grow up!
